Leaving my teenage years behind is a little emotional.
I'm heading into a new age of more responsibility, hard work, and freedom.The 20's. And with that comes happiness, fear, excitement, wonder, hopefulness...
It can be awesome! There's a whole world out there to experience, people to meet, things to learn, and places to travel! It's a big world with a lot of beautiful places, that I've never seen, or even heard about. It's exciting that now I can exercise my freedom of choice more and I can explore freely without having to be home at a certain time, (even though I still want to be home at a certain time).
It's an age where a lot of questions come up; I call it an identity crisis, that's the way it seems. I want to know more about the world, and about myself and gain a lot of knowledge, because knowledge is power.
The mind opens up a little to other possibilities. Maybe it's just me, but because lately I've been trying to really know myself, the question "who am I" comes up. How many people can answer that question fully? How many people in their 20's can say that they know who they want to be in life?or what they know what they want to achieve? Not me. I certainly have an idea, but I still have a lot more research to do about the choices I've made, and why I like the things I like. I want to know what defines me, and why I think the way I think. Maybe I'm going too in depth, but those are some of the things that have been circling my mind.
The freedom part is usually what most young adults look forward to, but often we don't think about the responsibilities and struggles that go hand in hand. All I keep thinking is that soon I'll have to make bigger decisions and they'll impact my entire life. It frightens me a little. Like moving into my first house, alone, paying bills, and being in charge of all things that adults do. Getting a job, which will most likely take up my entire day and free time. The fear of having dreams and goals ripped away because I've finally hit reality, or having to seriously put yourself out there in order to achieve those dreams and goals. But I also have a lot of hope and faith to go around. God is in control and everything will be alright.
Getting older is just a part of life, there's nothing I can do about that. However, I do have control over how I want spend my life and what kind of person I want to be.
I've decided I want a joyful, peaceful, and awesome life. And I want to be kind, respectful, loving, caring, and just a light in the world. Those things I choose to be, daily, even if the world around me isn't as kind.
The year before I become 21 there will be many trials and errors as I become more independent and head out to the world.
I have a few things that I really want to do at this age, like:
Learn how to cook, eat healthier, exercise more, learn how to pay my bills on time, and keep up to date with my finances, manage my time better, pass all my classes, clean more, read more, write more, speak up more, get my license, learn how to learn from failures, read my Bible more, pray more, apply to great jobs that will help me in my career, travel, spread my wings a bit, and much more.
I live and I learn from experience. One thing I don't want to forget is that it's wonderful that I'm only turning 20. I am still very young, which is awesome, but also that I made it past my teen years, without anything major happening to me and with an exciting and hopeful future.