"A pure heart is the greatest of all treasures"

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Happy Halloween

Hello beautiful people, how are you?
Today is Oct 31 or Halloween! The time of year when it is actually allowed to knock on random peoples door and to speak to strangers, and even to take things from people you know nothing about.

Yesterday I thought I heard Bloomberg postpone Halloween for a later day so that kids wouldn't go out trick or treating right after hurricane Sandy. 
I knew that wasn't going to stop any of them, (maybe they'll get to go out twice this year). 

I'm sure all the kids, like my niece and nephews, were anxious for halloween to come even though the storm was passing. They would probably still want to go out even if the storm hadn't stopped.

Just a reminder, it can be very dangerous going out trick or treating. Yes, it is fun, you feel like you're a part of all those people who are doing the same thing. You have less rules for a day. You get to dress up the way you had no guts to do any other time of the year, you get to meet new people, socialize, and get lots and lots of sugary sweets. Awesome right.

 But there are, unfortunately, some people who do bad things during this ... holiday? 
I would advise anyone who's trick or treating and is less than 18 to go with a parent or guardian. 

Make sure all your candy is properly rapped before eating them. When you get home (If you're like my family you'll probably have more than one bag full of candy, and you'll reach in your bag and head straight to the chocolates) do not eat them all right away. Candy is and always will be hazardous for you health, monitor how much you or your kids eat, then put the rest away for another day, you do not want cavities! 

I no longer go trick or treating because I'm older now and I don't need so many sweets. I'll let all the kids have them instead.

 I stayed over my sisters house, cleaned, and learned some Portuguese! :)

So, tell me what did you do for Halloween?

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